Gadchandur is a tribal place, located in Tahasil korapana , District Chandrapur of Maharashtra state. There had been no facility of higher education in this area till 1993. It was provided with the establishment of our college in 1993 as well as the library also comes into existence.The library is committed to achieve excellence in library services to the student and users. As per University Grants Commission as well as our Gondwana University the college library constantly strives to make available effective library services, requisite e-learning resources, ICT tools etc. facilities to provide to student and users also. Arts faculty is being taught in the college since its inception. Under the arts faculty courses like English, Marathi, Political Science, Economics, History, Sociology and Marathi Literature are offered at under graduate level (UG). At present our library is ready to provide adequate services to student and users. There are 5192 books in the library, some 10 magazines and 07 daily news papers publish in Marathi, Hindi and English language. Daily 23 to 42 books are circulated to regular students against distribution book record in the year 2021-22. Each student can issued are the one book from the library.